


Disability to Aged? An Exploratory Study on Aging Experiences of Middle-aged People with a Lifelong Disability




陳伶珠(Ling-Chu Chen)


終身障礙者 ; 現象學 ; 老化經驗 ; 道德調和老化經驗 ; people with a lifelong disability ; phenomenology ; aging experiences ; moral harmonized aging experiences




14卷1期(2010 / 06 / 01)


118 - 162






People aged with a lifelong disability is a relatively new social phenomena. Many dimensions of this agenda have been discussed in western countries, but not the case of Taiwan. This study employs phenomenology to investigate the aging experiences of middle-aged people with a lifelong disability. A total of 29 participants aged 43 to 59 are divided into 3 groups: ”more than a child”, ”consistent along the way”, and ”the great life reversed”. Results show participants have their unique and common aging experiences. Their aging experiences is named ”moral harmonized aging experiences”, including 3 structural axles: (1) aging has multi-dimensions: aging in the discontinuity of life, (2) aging living plans are influenced by one's aging experiences, abilities and resources, (3) aging living plans are moral aesthetic of existence and harmonized with environment and expectations: taking balance between self care and care others. Researcher suggests more efforts on inquiring health and healing and care issues for middle-age people with a lifelong disability, developing aging disability friendly social policies and social services, and more researches and practical services for this agenda.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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