


「Patient」、「Offender」 or 「Person」? Rethinking the Male Offender in the Family Violence Prevention System




王美懿(Mei-Yi Wang);林東龍(Dong-Long Lin);王增勇(Frang T. Y. Wang)


家庭暴力 ; 加害人處遇計畫 ; 解釋性互動論 ; 去脈絡化 ; 主體性 ; domestic violence ; offender's treatment programs ; interpretive interactionism ; de-contextualization ; subjectivity




14卷2期(2010 / 12 / 01)


147 - 193






The current domestic violence prevention mechanism puts domestic violence into a de-contextualization framework, which singles out the offenders as solely responsible for the domestic violence. The violent behavior of the offenders is deemed originated from psycho-physiological disorder or patriarchal attitude, and so the offenders need assistance and education from the professionals to correct their perception and violent behavior. This study focused on the offenders' subjective experience and, in the context of interpretive interactionism, analysed six cases of male offenders who already completed offender's treatment programs. There were three major results: 1. the domestic violence prevention mechanism's approach was over simplified. It marginalized the offenders' experience, and the offenders' own wishes and needs were neglected, such as wishing to remove the label of 'villain', or the feeling that they were also victims and needed help. 2. The offenders made effort in the hope of maintaining their family, however they felt that the assistance imposed by the domestic violence prevention mechanism was not only unhelpful, but destructive to the preservation of the family. 3. The offenders fell victim under the two-fold pressure from traditional patriarchal value and the labor market. In particular, when the middle-lower class male offenders suffered from the suppress from the labor market, it became immensely difficult for them to find a standpoint between the traditional and the modern role. This study proposes that the professionals who work in the offender's treatment programs shall reflect upon their framework of correction and assistance developed by the domestic violence prevention mechanism. It is also suggested that the professionals shall understand the offenders' life experience with respect and acceptance.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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