


Health Services and Network Coordination for Migrant Workers: Action Research on the iACT Health Consultation Outreach Project in Nanzi




尤素芬(Su-Fen You);鄭惠珠(Huei-Chu Cheng)


行動研究 ; 健康協作網絡 ; 健康服務 ; 移工 ; 台灣國際醫療行動協會 ; action research ; health network coordination ; health services ; migrant worker ; iACT




15卷2期(2011 / 12 / 01)


1 - 38






In Taiwan, migrant workers are denied equal status concerning citizenship, even if they are curtailed of their rights. Non-governmental organization (NGOs) have therefore played an important role as a main supporter for migrant workers' interests, but not many have paid attention to health care issues yet. Although the network coordination between NGOs has proved to be useful within the Taiwanese community work, there are very few cases dealing with health service for migrant workers. This article reviews the iACT (International Action and Cooperation Team) project concerning health consultation outreach to migrant workers at some Catholic church in Nanzi. It concentrates on the format ion of health network coordination and the development of community-based working methods, especially how organizational dynamic empowerment can be put into practice. The Nanzi project was established on the basis of positive meaning of health, and the practitioners embraced action research approach to improve their working manners. The body and life experiences of Nanzi migrant workers were collected and estimated for the understanding of their health demands and particular health issues. In order to solve the problem of insufficient resources, the practitioners drew on voluntary association properties and resource network connection, and meanwhile a strategy of health network coordination on a local basis was gradually developed. As a result, the practitioners reached better social practice through the empowerment of their own and the migrants.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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