The financial crisis in 2008/2009 hit most of countries in the world. Taiwan also faced serious recession, such as high unemployment rate, increasing income inequality and poverty rate. A large number of workers were excluded from labor market and suffered poverty risk. Conventionally, efficacy theory and complementary approach hold opposite opinions about how the welfare state responses to globalization or financial crisis. However, they ignore that the state has the capacity of governance on social protection. In this article, we bring the role o f the welfare state back into analysis to elucidate how the Taiwanese government dealt with the 2008/2009 financial crisis. Was the reform a path dependence or a paradigm change? In conclusion, we find that social protect ion reform s in Taiwan were constrained by productivism. Economic growth will eventually lift people out of poverty. Thus, the government concentrated resources on the financial and bank sectors, but social protection received less attention. Although government expenditure expanded during the crisis period, it was temporary. After the crisis, the government cut social expenditure. Promoting economic growth and cutting tax did not have positive impacts on working class and income inequality. Although the income transfer programs helped to reduce income inequality in 2008/2009, the government is reluctant to further income transfer programs. Thus, we concluded that the welfare reforms did not transform the Taiwanese welfare state toward social investment welfare state, but still stuck to productivism. In the long run, the Taiwanese social security system will be not sufficient to protect people if the government does not overhaul the social security system.
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