


A Postmodern Lear




張英陣(Ying-Chen Chang)


珍.亞當斯 ; 社會工作 ; 職場抗拒 ; 新自由主義 ; Jane Addams ; social work ; workplace resistance ; neoliberalism




18卷1期(2014 / 06 / 01)


45 - 88






The Pullman Strike of 1894, possibly the most famous strike in American labour history, influenced the global labour movement afterward. Jane Addams was involved in negotiation between the employer and employees of Pullman Company but failed. Addams wrote a critique on the Pullman Strike titled 'A Modern Lear' in 1886. The controversial message of 'A Modern Lear' finally published until 1912. The most developed part of her analysis compared George Pullman with Shakespeare's King Lear. At the heart of that comparison laid her belief that both Lear and Pullman held individualistic and patriarchal mentality. They both used power on their own but could not acknowledge that his daughters and his workers were capable of assessing their needs and making right decisions. Addams makes a clear statement about the connections between sympathetic understanding and social democracy. Under the influence of Neoliberalism and New Public Management, social work practice was driven by the free market and strict budget control. Social work has lost its mission on social reform. Even though social workers have initiated organized resistance in every part most social workers usually adopt routine resistance in their workplaces. Routine and covert resistance is kind of decaf resistance. Decaf, because it threatens nobody and changes very little. Such forms of resistance serve a therapeutic rather than transformative function. Svejkism is not open protest, its style ironical and cynical. It is a weapon of the oppressed, but does not necessarily to change the status quo. The radical changes in social work were marked by the encapsulation of marketisation and commodification which contradict the very essence of social work value. Under hegemonic Neoliberalism, social workers still fight not for their benefits only, but for the well-being of the disadvantages and for mission of social justice. In the current context, even just checking further neoliberalisation would be a welcome development. Fighting Neoliberalism is a holy war for ideals, morality and democracy. The defenders of Neoliberalism always remind us that ' there in no alternatives'. However, with the pathos of classical tragedy in social work, we assuredly believe that 'another world is possible and necessary.'

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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