


Exploring Risks of Spatial Exclusion on Children Living in Vulnerable New Immigrant Families: The Application of GIS




張菁芬(Chin-Fen Chang);黃映翎(Yin-Ling Huang)


弱勢群體 ; 新移民家庭 ; 兒童 ; 空間排除 ; 地理資訊系統 ; vulnerable group ; new immigrant family ; children ; spatial exclusion ; GIS




18卷1期(2014 / 06 / 01)


89 - 141






This research employs the concept of children as a social actor who is the one understanding their own living experiences best. The research conducted 29 children under 2 children's groups from vulnerable new immigrant families. The main theme of the research tried to explore how far children living in vulnerable new immigrant families faced risks of social exclusion under the usage of children's groups and qualitative GIS. Researchers used children's groups and filed-work to collect data and through GIS analysis presented in how vulnerable children's daily life and walking range to find out the deprivations of living resources and opportunities under the consideration of social exclusion. There are some findings: first, we learned that the second-generation identity of the new immigrant brought many restrictions, affected the opportunities to take the initiative, to participate in social activities, the limitation of walking range and even formatting the spatial exclusion under the narrowly living space and experiences. Second, the discussion of research method one is mainly on the issue of the ethics on working with vulnerable children. The other is focus on qualitative GIS research approach which is not for emphasizing difficult techniques, but for using GIS to clarify the real situation and raising the penitential issues in social work field and changing policy makings.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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