


A Community-based Promoting Indigenous Tribes Tourism Industry of the Process and Outcome: Tribal Promoter's Perspective




賴兩陽(Leang-Yang Lai)


以社區為基礎 ; 原住民族部落 ; 部落觀光產業 ; 生態觀光 ; 永續發展 ; community-based ; indigenous tribes ; tourism industry ; ecotourism ; sustainable development




19卷1期(2015 / 06 / 01)


45 - 90






Tourism is an important sector for tribe development since it can bring numerous benefits into the tribe, including money flows and employment opportunities. And this might take care of many tribe problems, such as aging population, population decreasing, and development stagnation. However, tourism in the tribe is different from the ordinary tourism, it emphasizes more on the cultural, historical and ecosystematic aspects of the whole tribe, Based on those specific features, tourism in the tribe should pay more attentions to cultural and environmental preservation, as well as sustainable development. In spite of so many positive influences, tourism can also bring wicked effects, such as destruction of traditional cultures, damage to the environment, and unequal distribution of benefits. Cultural and environmental preservation are major concerns for the tourism in the tribe. Furthermore, the profits from the tourism should equally distribute to the tribe people because it is based on the specific feature and the whole atmosphere of the tribe. These issues need to be addressed before the tribe decides to develop tourism. With semi-structural in-depth interview, we have collected qualitative data from 18 respondents living in 9 tribes in eastern Taiwan, and the major findings are as followed: (1) receiving government project is the initiator for tourism development in the tribe, (2) tribe people are more passive in the beginning stage, pay more attention to their own interests, and sometimes lead to boycott behavior, (3) the tribe people need more knowledge and trainings on tourism management, (4) due to limited size of the tourism in the tribe, it is not enough to attract young people back to the tribe. Three suggestions are offered: (1) in order to protect tribe subjectivity and autonomy, tribe people participation in the tourism design should be protected, (2) the training of personnel should integrate with tribal organization to increase interaction and communication, (3) through the development of whole tribe tourism, government should make more commitment on long-term investments and provide more professional counseling and companionship to the tribe.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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