


Effects of Migration and Healthcare Recourse on Health Status of Aborigines




劉千嘉(Chien-Chia Liu)


遷徙 ; 原住民 ; 地區剝奪 ; 健康不平等 ; migration ; aborigines ; area deprivation ; health disparities




20卷1期(2016 / 06 / 01)


129 - 162






The life expectancy gap between aborigines and main stream reveals the ethnic health disparity, in the mean times, the high migration rate in aborigines comes into noticed as well. Based on the data of the Taiwan Indigenous People Survey (TIPS), this paper applies multiple linear regression model to examine the health status of different migrants and to analyze the changing quantity of areal healthcare resource between original and destination. The main findings are as follows. (1) Although migration can alter the accessibility of healthcare resource, the effect of local healthcare resource on health status is not significant. The better healthcare resource in local areas does not ensure the better healthcare resource utilization for aborigines. (2) The higher cultural environment variation that migrants went through might put them under high mental stress and therefore become harmful to their health status. (3)The migrations are drive by other structure factors rather than regional healthcare resource. (4) The ethnic health disparity results in socioeconomic factors rather than area deprivation of healthcare resource.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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