The financial scheme of the social insurance involves three models: pay as you go, full funding and partial funding. In contrast with the commercial insurance, the social insurance seldom takes the financial model of full funding because of its sustainable operation. This study took the 'Long-term Care Insurance' plan in Taiwan as the example, and applied the simulation analysis method to make simulative calculation programs of the premium rates in order to explore the principles underlying such these programs. Base on the dimensions of the financial model, the duration for financial balance, the premium rate growth, the funding amount, and the population growth rate, this study designed 7 simulative programs of the premium rate. Tables 1-4 showed the outcomes of programs A-G, including: the premium rate, the growth of the premium rate, the level of premium fee and the accumulated amount of funding. According to the financial model of partial funding, the frequency of premium rate adjustment, the growth of premium rate adjustment, intergenerational justice, and the accumulation of funding amount, program C and F were the more appropriate ones. The conditions of the premium rate in program C included: (1) 10 year-long duration for financial balance; (2) premium rate adjusted every 3 years. The conditions in program F included: (1) 10 year-long duration of financial balance; (2) premium rate adjusted every 3 years; (3) premium rate adjusted depending on the gap more than 5% between the calculated one and the existing one; (4) after the 3rd year, the funding amount should be able to pay more than the expenditure of 3 months.
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