


The Journey to Resilience: A Retrospective Narrative of Teenage Children Caring for Their Parents with Mental Disabilities




吳書昀(Jessie Shu-Yun Wu);黃純滿(Chun-Man Huang)


復原力 ; 保護機制 ; 兒少家庭照顧者 ; 精神障礙 ; resilience ; protective mechanism ; young carers ; mental disability




26卷2期(2022 / 12 / 01)


105 - 149






In this study, adults who had experience in caring for a parent with a mental disability during adolescence are invited to be the respondents. Qualitative data are collected retrospectively to explore the caregiving tasks they had undertaken, the protective and risk factors that emerged during the caregiving process and the overall experience of the functioning of resilience and protective mechanism. Four respondents who were selected by means of purposive sampling were in-depth interviewed, as their life stories were presented by narrative analysis. "Starting with" the relevant events of the respondents acting as caregivers, through the analysis of the "process", the protective and risk factors in the caregiving situations were identified, which would be subjected to "retrospective" analysis to interpret the past experiences and the unique manifestation and operation of their resilience to the circumstances. This study found that the patterns of protective mechanism engaged by the respondents were sequential or concurrent, depending on each situation and the stage of development of the events. It is recommended that when providing services, professional helpers should have a better assessment and understanding of young people's ecology and should respond to the experiences interwoven into their caregiving process and life courses. In addition, this study believed that the complexity of co-existing assistance and oppression under the umbrella of the "family" in the face of dealing with mental disability can serve as a starting point of discussion on the role of Asian family structure in resilience.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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