For a long time, the cheap price of mold industry is the major marketing competitive advantage on Taiwan. At the same time, the more cheap productive cost in Asian country will replace Taiwan's low-price advantage. This research indicates that the influence parameters (such as the day of mold test, the day of delivery, labors, researchers, precision of measure machine, the order sheet ratio on Europe and American) to discuss the competitive ability for mold industry. This research uses the grey theory and extension engineering to discuss the influences different processing parameters for mold companies. This research uses seven mold companies for example. The research results show that the Chuan-Kou Corp. is the best company, then Jin-Yan Corp., then Wen-Shen Corp., and Hao-Min Corp. gets the worse degree on seven mold companies. The most influenced factor of seven companies are test day of small mold and delivery day of small mold. The most important factors of transfer model of mold industry are numbers of researcher and the order sheet ratio on Europe and American.