


An Exploration of Key Success Factors for Silicon Wafer Material Industry in Taiwan




許文誠(Vincent Hsu);徐木蘭(Mu-Lan Hsu);歐陽惠華(Hui-Hua Ou-Yang)


關鍵成功因素 ; 半導體 ; 矽晶圓材料 ; Key Success Factors ; Semiconductor ; Silicon Wafer Industry




10卷3期(2005 / 09 / 01)


69 - 96




半導體產業的研究雖然很多,但針對其產業鏈上游的矽晶圓材料產業所做的研究仍相當有限,因此,本矽晶圓材料產業關鍵成功因素之探討便值得重視。 本研究採用問卷普查方式,共寄發九家公司126份問卷,有效回收問卷114份。問卷資料就「整體產業之重要程度」以平均數分析找出四個最重要變項,及五個最不重要變項,再以因素分析方法確認關鍵成功因素。 研究結果顯示,矽晶圓材料產業的四個最重要變項雖然是業者的主要獲利來源,但其附加價值卻相對較少。該產業的五個關鍵成功因素則爲:管理文化與企業願景、生產與支援系統、資金成本管理能力、技術創新與市場開發能力及政經法令配合。本研究建議業者宜從策略聯盟經營角度,培養全球的運籌能力;政府也應在政經法令上給予業者奧援,以創造良好發展環境。


The study of the key success factors (KSF) of the silicon wafer industry is important because studies show that some of the KSFs within this industry are continuously changing. Thus the KSFs of today should differ from the ones of the past. The methodologies used in this study are: questionnaire mean analysis and factor analysis. Of the 126 questionnaires sent to subjects within all of Taiwan's silicon wafer firms (9 companies). 114 were returned. There are two findings in this study. Firstly, four variables were identified as being most important to the generation of main income within Taiwan's silicon wafer industry however their added value is less than the other variables. Secondly the KSFs of Taiwan's silicon wafer industry are: management culture and vision, production and support system, cost management capability and technology innovation, and political and economy environment. Base on these four clusters, this study suggest that firms within Taiwan's silicon wafer industry should enlarge their companies to achieve greater levels of competitiveness in the global market. Moreover, issues of strategic alliance, globalization and expansion of scale should be considered, and the government should work towards developing a more nurturing environment to help stimulate the development of the silicon wafer industry.

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