


The Taxonomy of Patent Analysis Literature: Using Bibliometrics Approach




賴奎魁(Kuei-Kuei Lai);林美蘭(Mei-Lan Lin);張淑敏(Shu-Min Chang);張善斌(Shann-Bin Chang)


專利 ; 引證 ; 文獻 ; 書目計量學 ; Patent ; Citation ; Literature ; Bibliometrics




11卷1期(2006 / 03 / 01)


137 - 168






Analyzing patent information is significant to competitive intelligence and industrial development. However, it is lack of subjective and quantitative method to classify relevant articles of patent analysis in earlier publications. This study is built a bibliometric taxonomy framework to retrieve data, define research topics, and select research methods for organizational management and academics. Prior literatures are systematically analyzed by subjective and quantitative methods and targeted on management articles of patent analysis application during 1980 to 2003. Each target literatures are grouped by co-citation techniques. The major contributions of this study are addressed into three points. Firstly, understanding current state of patent analysis articles, including year, author, periodical, current situation and future trends of citation relationship. Secondly, synthesizing the group of relevant articles and extracting each group topics. Thirdly, the result is the basis of following networking and evolutional researches.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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