


A Decision Model Regarding Foreign Direct Investment




石素娟(Su-Chuan Shih)


海外投資 ; 投資模式選擇 ; 層級分析法 ; Foreign Direct Investment ; Analytic Hierarchy Process AHP




11卷2期(2006 / 06 / 01)


127 - 153




經濟全球化的趨勢中,許多企業於海外建廠投資,都體認到正確的投資模式是成功的重要關鍵。本研究以台灣一光電鏡頭公司欲往越南建廠投資時為例,評選六種可能的投資模式:新建設廠、收購、合併、多數股權合資、均等股權合資、與少數股權合資。本研究以層級分析程序(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP)為方法,依據國際企業管理學域中的三大主要理論:交易成本觀點、資源基礎、與體制觀點,構建出五個最關鍵因素於第一層、十六項指標於第二層之一決策樹。解說決策流程時,以虛擬數據替代不完整之數據。本研究所提出之決策流程獲得決策者的一致性意見,易懂易做且具實用性。


In today's global marketplace, many firms engage in one or more investment modes. They believe the choice of investment mode in a foreign market can have significant and far-reaching consequences on a firm's performance and survival. The example of a photoelectric lens company in Taiwan looking to invest in the Vietnamese market and choosing six modes: New Venture, Acquisition, Merger, Majority Joint Venture, Equality Joint Venture, and Minority Joint Venture. The aim of this paper is to discuss and develop an investment mode selection procedure. Based on an Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) framework that is a general theory of relative measurement used to composite-priority-ration scales from individual-ration scales that represent the differential influence of determinants and factors. Based upon the theories of Transaction Cost Economics, Resource Based, and Institutional Approach, the AHP framework consists of five determinants in the first level and 16 indicators in the second level. Because some portions of the data are inaccessible, hypothetical numbers supplement the actual data to illustrate the processes. The paper also illustrates how a group of judges comprised of company stakeholders can implement the AHP model for selecting investment modes.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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