


The Research of the Personal Motivations and Social Context Factors Influence the Acceptance of Knowledge Management Systems: An Empirical Study of Financial Firms in Taiwan




蔡宗宏(Chung-Hung Tsai);林惠雪(Huei-Hsieh Lin)


個人動機 ; 社會系絡 ; 知識管理系統 ; 結構方程模式 ; 信任 ; Personal Motivation ; Social Context ; Knowledge Management System ; Structural Equation Modeling ; Trust




12卷1期(2007 / 03 / 01)


115 - 148




本研究整合個人動機因素與社會系絡因素,發展出知識管理系統技術接受模型。本研究以台灣金融產業員工共625份有效問卷為研究對象,運用結構方程模式驗證實徵資料與理論模型之契合度,研究結果發現:(1)本研究所提出之模型與實徵資料檢測之後,證實在金融產業環境脈絡下,具有相當優良之模型契合度,顯示本模型具極佳之理論穩健性與實務適用性;(2)社會系絡的兩個因素:主觀規範與信任均為影響知識管理系統使用者個人動機因素(有用性認知與愉悅性認知)之顯著直接影響因素;(3)社會系絡因素(主觀規範與信任)同時也是輸出品質、易用性認知與個人動機因素(有用性認知、愉悅性認知)之間的重要中介變項;(4)算計為基礎的信任、制度為基礎的信任、知識為基礎的信任為組成信任三個重要的子構面;(5)主觀規範、有用性認知、愉悅性認知為系統使用之顯著直接影響因素,其影響力順序為有用性認知、主觀規範、愉悅性認知。這個結果也與Igbaria, Parasuraman, & Baroudi (1996)之實證結果相同。 本研究的結果闡述營造組織整體優質之社會系絡氛圍與提升組織成員正向之個人動機誘因在使用者接受知識管理系統因素中的重要性,實證的結果與意涵可提供企業發展配套激勵方案之參考。


Based on revised TAM model (Davis, Bagozzi, & Warshaw, 1992), the research aims at financial firms in Taiwan to develop the user's acceptance model of knowledge management systems. Using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), we examined the proposed hypotheses to verify the fit of empirical data and model. The conclusions are: (1) According to the statistical results, the proposed success model fits very well for the samples of financial industry; (2) The two factors of social context: subjective norm and trust are the significantly direct antecedents of personal motivation factors (perceived useful and perceived enjoyment); (3) The effects of output quality, perceived ease of use on personal motivations are mediated by social context factors; (4) All of the three dimensions of trust: calculative-based trust, institution-based trust and knowledge-based trust have significant influences on trust; (5) Subjective norm, perceived useful and perceived enjoyment are the significantly direct antecedents of system user acceptance, and the influential order is perceived useful, subjective norm and perceived enjoyment. And the result is consistent with the research of Igbaria, Parasuraman, & Baroudi (1996). The purpose of the research is to indicate that personal motivations and social context factors are very important to the users’ acceptance of knowledge management systems. The suggestions and implications about business practice can provide the managers of Taiwan's enterprises to develop the relational incentive projects and strategies.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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