


The Relationships among Organizational Learning, Knowledge Sharing and New Product Development Performance-An Empirical Study of Taiwan's Knowledge-Intensive Industry




李元墩(Yuan-Duen Lee);吳濟民(Chi-Min Wu);艾昌瑞(Chang-Ruey Ay);凃嘉峪(Chia-Yu Tu)


組織學習 ; 知識分享 ; 新產品開發績效 ; 知識密集產業 ; Organizational Learning ; Knowledge Sharing ; New Product Development Performance ; Knowledge-Intensive Industry




12卷1期(2007 / 03 / 01)


55 - 86






Based on organizational learning theory and knowledge-based theory, the study presents a conceptual framework of the interrelationships among organizational learning, knowledge sharing, and new product development performance. The knowledge-intensive firms in Taiwan were selected as research objects, 215 valid questionnaires were collected, the results of empirical analysis by multiple regression analysis and SEM shows that: (1) organizational learning has a partial significant positive influence on knowledge sharing and new product development performance; (2) knowledge sharing has a partial significant positive influence on new product development performance; and (3) the knowledge sharing was proved as an important intervening variable within this model. In short, knowledge-intensive industry have to emphasis and construct the organizational culture of learning orientation, or encourage members engaging in learning and knowledge sharing through training and reward system to promote new product development performance and firm's competitiveness.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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