


Re-examining the Taxonomy of Patent Analysis Literature




張善斌(Shann-Bin Chang);林美蘭(Mei-Lan Lin);賴奎魁(Kuei-Kuei Lai);張淑敏(Shu-Min Chang)


專利 ; 引證 ; 文獻 ; 直系鏈結係數 ; 文獻強度係數 ; Patent ; citation ; literature ; Lineal Linkage Coefficient LLC ; Literature Strength Coefficient LSC




12卷3期(2007 / 09 / 01)


1 - 34






Patent is an important indicator of business R&D and innovation. We can find different meanings through analyzing the relationships of some patents. During the last two decades, many literatures about patent analysis were generated quickly. The conditions of patent retrieve, the methods of patent analysis, and the objectives of patent research were developed dramatically. Therefore, scholars have classified and summarized the literatures of patent analysis. Lai at al. (2006) used co-citation method of bibliometric to research the literatures of patent analysis during 1980 to 2003, and generalized 20 groups for patent analysis literatures. However, the defect of co-citation is that the ratio of successfully classified literature is too low, only 30.83%. In order to eliminate the defect, this study provides a new indicator naming Lineal Linkage Coefficient (LLC) by direct and indirect citation. The ratio of successful classified literatures is raised to 79.17%. Additionally, this study use Literature Strength Coefficient (LSC) and the life cycle of patent literatures to explore the characteristics of every patent group. Finally, we classify 190 literatures into five groups and name research paradigm formulation, patent basic application, patent citation analysis, knowledge economics and competitiveness, and business strategy integration.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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