


How to Enhance Consumers' Loyalty: Combining Transaction Cost Theory with Technology Acceptance Model




孫嘉祈(Chia-Chi Sun);張世其(Shih-Chi Chang);陳世良(Shieh-Liang Chen)


網路購物 ; 線性結構方程式 ; 科技接受模型 ; 專屬陷入成本 ; 服務品質 ; Online Shopping ; LISREL ; Technology Acceptance Model ; Specific Holdup Cost ; Service Quality




13卷1期(2008 / 03 / 01)


1 - 39




資訊科技及網際網路的快速發展,網路購物金額日益上升,在網際網路日益普及,網路電子商務已經成為傳統行銷通路以外另一個新興通路,其全年無休、成本低廉、以全球為市場的優勢,更可以滿足顧客的需求,使得電子商務成為未來商業發展的主流。 過去研究指出,顧客是否願意在網路上消費產品,主要是受到購物網站本身有效性與易用性知覺及購物網站所提供的服務水準影響。本研究除了探討有效性與易用性知覺及服務品質水準外,並將專屬陷入成本是否會影響顧客的網路購物行為一併考量。 本研究以有網路購物經驗為研究對象,鎖定的購物網站為國內入口網站的網路商店,分別為Yahoo奇摩網站、PCHome、蕃薯藤及MSN台灣網站四個網站。本文使用線性結構方程式來探討顧客網路購物行為,研究結果發現顧客滿意度會受網站資訊技術水準及服務品質水準所影響,而網站資訊技術水準也會影響顧客之行為忠誠度;另外,顧客信任強度將受服務品質水準所影響。最後,顧客對購物網站之態度忠誠度將受網站與顧客所建立之專屬陷入成本所影響,而顧客滿意度及顧客信任將會正向且顯著影響顧客態度忠誠度及行為忠誠度。本研究結果可提供購物網站業者、網站設計者及網路賣主參考,以提升顧客之滿意度,進而影響顧客信任強度與忠誠度。


Due to the rapid development of information technology and internet, the trading amount of internet businesses is increasing continuously. With the advantages of 24 hours operation, low cost, and global contact, the internet has played a more important role than before and become an alternative to traditional marketing channels. According to the past research findings, the technology levels and service qualities of websites would have impact on consumers' willingness to shop via the internet. In addition to the above mentioned, this paper incorporates the concept of specific holdup cost to into our research framework to investigate consumer behaviors in the internet. The research subjects are consumers who had online shopping experiences in one of ”www.yahoo.com.tw”, ”www.pchome.com.tw”, ”www.yam.com.tw” and ”www.msn.com.tw”. We use LISERL to identify the relationship among our research framework. The results support hypothesized relationships between the technology acceptance of internet, service qualities and customer satisfaction and show that the technology acceptance level of internet has impact on the customer behavior loyalty. This study provides evidences that customer trust is built through a brief that the vendors provide excellent service qualities. Finally, we also find that attitude loyalty of customers is dependent on specific holdup cost of website. Consumer satisfaction and trust will affect the attitude loyalty and behavior loyalty. These findings would help the website owners and sellers in the internet improve the consumer satisfaction and trust and then enhance the consumer loyalty.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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