


A Study on the Relationships among Knowledge Acquisition, Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Capability




廖述賢(Shu-Hsien Liao);費吳琛(Wu-Chen Fei);周繼文(Chi-Wen Chou)


知識管理 ; 知識取得 ; 知識移轉 ; 創新能力 ; 線性結構化方程式模型 ; Knowledge management ; Knowledge Acquisition ; Knowledge Transfer ; Innovation Capability ; LISREL




13卷1期(2008 / 03 / 01)


101 - 134






Knowledge have a very important position in the new economy domain, it only knowledge worker can development new technology and innovation. Then, knowledge is the capital of innovation that organization can innovate by the way of knowledge management. This research studies the roles of knowledge acquisition and knowledge transfer in the process of developing the innovation capability. The top 1000 companies from manufacture and the top 500 from service industry and the top 100 companies from financial industry in 2004 as ranked by the Commonwealth Monthly were sampled from 16 Taiwan cross-sectional corporations, and discriminate between state-operated and private enterprise in organization situation, then 571 effective samples returned. Analysis of the relationships among knowledge acquisition, knowledge transfer and innovation capability by LISREL model, the results indicate that the knowledge transfer is the intervening factor between knowledge acquisition and innovation capability. There are different organization situation have no interference on the Relationships among knowledge acquisition, knowledge transfer and innovation capability in this research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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