


Proactive and Responsive Market Orientations and NPD Performance: The Moderating Effect of Product Innovativeness




林明杰(Ming-Ji James Lin);黃依珮(Yi-Pei Huang);黃耀輝(Yao-Hui Huang)


市場導向 ; 產品創新程度 ; 新產品發展績效 ; Market Orientation ; Product Innovativeness ; NPD Performance




13卷1期(2008 / 03 / 01)


67 - 100




在提昇新產品發展績效的議題上,市場導向一直獲得許多研究關注。本文進一步將產品創新度以調節變數的角色,納入市場導向與新產品發展績效的探討。文中依照Narver, Slater, and MacLachlan (2004)的研究,將市場導向加以區分成被動式與主動式,同時,產品創新度亦區分為漸近式與急遽式,以利瞭解產品創新度對市場導向和新產品發展績效的調節效果。 本文以台灣高科技廠商為研究對象進行問卷發放,回收有效問卷133份。研究結果首先指出,主動式市場導向相對於被動式市場導向,在新產品發展績效上並沒有獲得較佳的表現。相反地,被動式市場導向相對於主動式市場導向,在新產品發產績效上有較佳的成果,但是並未獲得統計上顯著水準的支持。另外,利用調節複迴歸與二因子變異數分析,發現產品創新度對市場導向和新產品發展績效的關係有顯著性的調節效果。當R&D部門執行漸近式新產品專案時,由於被動式市場導向貼近現有市場資訊,因而可以比主動式市場導向獲得更佳的新產品發展績效;當R&D部門執行急遽式新產品專案時,由於主動式市場導向主張塑造未來需求、改變現有需求,因而可以比被動式市場導向獲得更佳的新產品發展績效。


The notion of market orientation (MO) has received a lot of attention on the issue of enhancing NPD performance over the past decades. The present study collects 133 Taiwan high-tech manufacturers to empirically investigate the relationship between MO and NPD performance, and examines the moderating effect of product innovativeness (PI). MO is dichotomized into responsive MO (RMO) and proactive MO (PMO), and PI is further divided into incremental PI (IPI) and radical PI (RPI). Findings first show that, PMO does not show greater influence on NPD performance than RMO does. Empirically, data indicates an almost opposite result that RMO has greater influence than PMO on NPD performance, but not in a significant level. The feature of being OEM and ODM in our sample might contribute to this result. The other findings specify the substantial moderating effect of PI in MO and NPD performance relationship. Both MMR and two-way ANOVA show the significance of moderating effect. In addition, after these 133 cases into four (2×2) combinations of MO and PI are classified, the results suggest that the lower PI (IPI), the more positive relationship between RMO and NPD performance; the higher PI (RPI), the more positive relationship between PMO and NPD performance.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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