


Exploring the Effects of Knowledge Process Capability and Collaborative Capability on Knowledge Innovation and Sustainable Competitive Advantage




沈慶龍(Ching-Lung Shen);黎珮華(Pei-Hau Li)


知識處理能力 ; 協同合作能力 ; 策略導向 ; 知識創新 ; 持久性競爭優勢 ; Knowledge process capability ; Collaborative capability ; Strategic Orientation ; Organizational innovation ; Sustainable competitive advantage




13卷4期(2008 / 12 / 01)


87 - 117




處於知識經濟的時代、競爭激烈的複雜環境中,企業唯有持續不斷的創新,才能取得持久性競爭優勢。過去,雖有不少的學者深入探討知識創新的議題,但仍有不足之處。因此本研究擬從組織學習理論、社會資本理論及策略管理理論出發,欲建構知識處理能力、協同合作能力、策略導向對知識創新及持久性競爭優勢的模式。 本研究以天下雜誌所公佈的製造業1000大、500大服務業、100大金融業之企業作為本研究調查對象。寄出532份問卷,回收323份有效問卷,有效問卷回收率60.71%。本研究使用LISREL來進行實驗並驗證本研究所提出之各項假設。整體而言,本研究整體理論模式配置符合可接受的適合度檢定水準,表示本研究的理論模型可獲得支援,故這四個構念間確實存在著影響關係。本研究主要發現為: 1.知識處理能力對知識創新有正向的影響。換句話說,組織若具備較佳的知識處理能力,則知識創新的績效愈佳。 2.協同合作能力對知識創新有正向的影響關係。亦即,組織具備的協同合作能力愈高,則知識創新的績效愈佳。 3.略導向對知識創新有正向的影響關係。亦即,組織重視策略導向的程度愈高,則知識創新的績效愈佳。 4.知識創新對持久性競爭優勢有正向影響關係。亦即知識創新績效程度愈佳時,組織愈能保有其持久性競爭優勢。 並依據上述研究結果,對理論及實務提出相關建議。


In the age of knowledge-based economy, the environment is complex and intensely competitive. The only way to susutain an organization's competitive advantages is to innovate new knowledge continuously. Therefore the strategic issue of knowledge innovation has attracted much attentions and interests from academy and practitioner; however, there are still many unresolved issues. This study attempts to construct a framework to examine the linked relationships among the knowledge innovation and its antecedents, which include knowledge process capability、collaborative capability and strategic orientation, and the impacts on sustainable competitive advantages. This study targets the research objects on the top 1000 manufacturers companies, 500 large servicing companies, and 100 large banking companies listed by Chinese Worldwide magazine. 532 copies of questionnaires were mailed to sample respondents, and 323 effective copies are retrieved with 60.71% effective return rate. LISREL is adopted as the statistical analysis method. Overall, the fittness of LISREL models are acceptable. This empirical examinations support all the research hypotheses. The major findings of this study are summarized as following: 1. Knowledge processes capability has a positive impact on knowledge innovation. That is, the higher of the knowledge process capability, the higher of the knowledge innovation. 2. Collaborative capability has a positive impact on knowledge innovation. That is, the higher of the collaborative capability, the higher of the knowledge innovation. 3. Strategic orientation has a positive impact on knowledge innovation. That means the more organizations put their emphasis on the strategic orientation, the higher of knowledge innovation. 4. Knowledge innovation has a positive impact on sustainable competitive advantage. In another words, the higher of an organizational knowledge innovation, the more sustaintable competitive advantages it will be. Based on the research results, managerial implications were addressed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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