Innovation through new technology transfer and implementation has been promoted by many organizations, and therefore has been reviewed and researched frequently in the field of technology management for the past decades. However, researchers are finding that <||>unintended innovations<||> can be detected after the technology is introduced into the organization, rather than the intended outcomes. It is then an intriguing question to ask where this unexpected innovation results from. Based on the emergent perspective, this paper demonstrates how technology itself and organization are enacted by work practices with the methodology of interpretive case study. By micro-level observation of the work practices, resulting from the implementation of the satellite dispatch system, this research depicts the change in the work practices of Taiwan Taxi's cabdrivers and the innovation outcomes of technology enactment. The innovative work practices of the cabdrivers can be categorized as three work practices, including the intended work practices (of the rational cabbies), the brand extension work practices (of the sentient cabbies), and the tech-savvy work practices (of the sensitive cabbies). In addition, more diversified and innovative outcomes underlie and further differentiate the three main types of work practices mentioned in the case study. Finally, we present the theoretical and practical implications that ongoing and micro-level observations should be conducted consistently during technology transfer and implementation.
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