


An Exploration of Hospitals Introducing InformationCommunication Technology to Develop Telecare




陳芃婷(Peng-Ting Chen);謝育光(Yu-Kuang Shieh)


模糊德菲爾法 ; 遠距照護 ; 分析網絡程序法




16卷4期(2011 / 12 / 01)


1 - 40




本研究主要目的在於由醫療院所觀點來探討發展遠距照護服務之策略評選模式,並以 Shaw (2002) 所提 CHEAT' S 評估架構來整理影響遠距照護服務發展策略有關的影響因子(共 38 個)。而在遠距照護策略上,本研究則透過蒐集國內外相關文獻研究結果, 共歸納出四種發展策略 (1. 以專科為各單位,各自提供遠距照護服務; 2. 由醫療院所統籌,統一成立遠距照護中心; 3. 跟非競爭關係的同業進行策略聯盟; 4. 跟非同業的廠商進行聯盟)。最後,透過模糊德菲爾法以及分析網路程序法,以找出策略影響因子以及策略模式之關係, 並評選出醫療院所相關從業人員認為合適的發展方案。


This research intended to explore the strategy evaluation model for hospitals introducing telecare from the hospital point of view. We applies CHEAT'S evaluation framework proposed by Shaw (2002) to organize 38 factors related to the telecare developing strategy. This study also proposed four telecare developing strategies from literature review and practical cases. We employed fuzzy Delphi method (FDM) to analyze viewpoints from healthcare practitioners and specialists to explore the key factors when hospitals introduce ICT to establish telecare. The research introduced Analytic Network Process (ANP) further to establish the telecare strategy evaluation model and proposethe most appropriated strategy for hospitals.The results indicate that the accumulation of experience and skills directly influence the firm's value depending on their role in the value chain, and indirectly influence the development of the entire LED value chain.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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