


The Relationship and Development Trend of Patent Analysis Literature: Using Citation Analysis and Social Network Analysis




王正華(Cheng-Hua Wang);陳秀娟(Shiu-Chun Chen)


引用文獻分析 ; 社會網絡分析 ; 專利分析 ; 多元尺度 ; Citation Analysis ; Social Network Analysis ; Patent Analysis ; Multidimensional Scaling




16卷4期(2011 / 12 / 01)


41 - 76




本研究主要係透過分析收納在 ISI Web of Knowledge 中社會科學引文索引 (SSCI) 和科學引文索引 (SCI) 文獻資料 148 篇論文 3,727筆參考文獻,運用引用文獻分析及社會網絡分析,並藉由EXCEL、多元尺度、因素分析、相關係數及NETDRAW 等五種研究工具,經由量化、客觀及圖形化了解專利分析文獻的網絡關係與其重要性或影響力地位,並清楚呈現專利分析動態演變之發展脈絡,解決現況專利分析文獻分類缺點與問題,協助後續擬從事於專利領域研究者一個系統性觀點及重點式閱讀,且快速選擇合適的專利研究議題方法。


This paper aims to analyze 3,727 citations of 148 published works found in SSCI and SCI of ISI Web of Knowledge by using Social Network and Citation Analysis to sketch out and understand patent analysis studies. The shift of key themes is proven after applying Excel, Multidimensional Scaling, Factor Analysis, Correlation Coefficient and NETDRAW providing quantify, objective and graph means to understand networks relationship of patent analysis Iiterature and their importance or influence status. The result clearly presents dynamic development and evolution of patent analysis and solves shortcoming and question of patent analysis classification. It further provides systematize and important reading, faster method for scholars who want to act as an exemplary model for future researches in this field.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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