
探索專利聯盟廠商技術發展策略:DVD 3C個案研究


Exploring Technology Development Strategies of the Firms in a Patent Pool: A Case Study of DVD 3C




李沿儒(Y. R. Li);張振滄(C. T. Chang)


開放式創新 ; 專利資訊學 ; 專利分析 ; 技術策略 ; Open Innovation ; Patentometrics ; Patent analysis ; Technology Strategy




17卷1期(2012 / 03 / 01)


111 - 139






Given the competition for video tape format between two camps, strategies for technology development of storage media have been changed that lead companies to adopt more openness in strategic thinking, so as to gain competitive advantage through patent pool. Therefore, this study intends to outline a complex network of companies in a patent pool in developing technology strategies, in order to understand how companies gain competitive advantage in reference to 13 patent indicators. The information source for companies' technology arrangement is 339 sets of USPTO patent data released by DVD 3C Patent Pool from 1986 to 2008. The finding shows Pioneer is the only company actively organizing external resources in developing niche technology (cooperation rate is 0.05), whereas LG is focused on the arrangement in specific fields, and Philips and Sony have broad arrangements in 17 DVD technology fields, ahead of other companies by 4 and 5 fields, and both of them have become the platform leaders in terms of patent scope and quantity.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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