


Who Can Recognize the Entrepreneurial Opportunities? An Empirical Study of the Relationships between Knowledge, Network, Intention and Entrepreneurial Alertness


謝如梅(Ru-Mei Hsieh);劉常勇(Chang-Yung Liu);方世杰(Shih-Chieh Fang)


創業警覺能力 ; 市場知識 ; 專業網絡 ; 創業意圖 ; entrepreneurial alertness ; market knowledge ; professional networks ; entrepreneurial intention




18卷1期(2013 / 03 / 01)


1 - 25




當創業機會出現時,有些人能夠早一步辨識到機會的存在,對此機會未來可能發展性形成想像,並找到不同以往的方式實現機會,Kirzner(1985)、Gaglio and Katz (2001)將此種獨特辨識機會的認知能力稱為創業警覺能力(entrepreneurial alertness)。現有文獻對創業警覺能力之前置因素及變數間關係仍不明確,難以進一步發展與強化創業警覺能力的理論內涵。首先,本研究探討市場知識、專業網絡與創業警覺能力之關係,過去研究指出市場知識與專業網絡將能提升個人感知創業機會存在的資訊敏感度,並組合與創造新的方法-目的架構來滿足現有市場缺口。然而實務上發現許多不一致的現象,故本研究提出調節變數(創業意圖)的存在,強調當個人有高度創業意圖時,能強化市場知識、專業網絡與創業警覺能力之關係,並提出三個研究假說。在研究方法部分,針對正在籌備創業的新生創業者,進行問卷發放與調查,最後共回收有效問卷248份。研究發現市場知識、專業網絡對創業警覺能力有正面顯著影響,而創業意圖在市場知識與創業警覺能力之間具有正面的調節效果,顯示創業意圖在認知資訊及辨識機會上為相當關鍵之變數,最後提出本研究發現與結論,以及學術與實務意涵。


Some people have the ability to notice and recognize the existence of entrepreneurial opportunities, as well as have the motivated propensity to formulate an image of the future. This unique cognition ability called entrepreneurial alertness by Kirzner (1985), Gaglio and Katz (2001). Entrepreneurial alertness has been identified as a major factor in the process of opportunity recognition, but the factors explaining alertness and the relationships between this and other factors are still ambiguous. Previous studies pointed that prior knowledge of market and professional networks will enhance the sensitivity and perception ability of opportunities and generate new means-ends framework to fill the gap of market need. However, in the practical, there are many entrepreneurs lacks prior knowledge and networks, but have high degree of entrepreneurial alertness. This research attempts to reveal the moderating role of entrepreneurial intentions between prior knowledge and professional networks of market and entrepreneurial alertness. We collected 248 nascent entrepreneurs sample to test the model and found that entrepreneurial intentions has moderating effect of prior knowledge of market and entrepreneurial alertness. This study contributed theoretical and practical implications. Future directions for research are described, and its practical implications for entrepreneurs are examined.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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