


Analyzing Collaboration Network in Taiwan Thin Film Solar Cell Industry: By MCDM Methods


陳筱琪(Hsiao-Chi Chen);陳文良(Wen-Liang Chen);胡宜中(Yi-Chung Hu)


網絡關係 ; 合作模式 ; 多準則決策模式 ; 網路層級分析法 ; 方案評估 ; Network Relations ; Collaboration Model ; MCDM ; ANP ; Alternative Evaluation




19卷2期(2014 / 06 / 01)


1 - 24






Nowadays, enterprises are facing a rapid changing business environment and competition, "speed" seems to be the key factor in the competition. Most companies have adopted various strategic collaboration network forms to enhance their competitive capability. This research investigates the Thin Film Solar Cell industry in Taiwan, and applies the Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods to construct a collaboration network selecting model for the industry. The relations among the aspects and criteria were determined by DEMATEL; then, the Analytic Network Process (ANP) was used to identify the opportunities and risks in the industry. Finally, we proceed the alternative evaluation, and to generate the most appropriate collaboration network model in this industry. The results show that competition risk, technical risk, and personnel risk are the major risks. The network benefits mainly focuses on transfer of knowledge and know-how, as well as innovation capability. Mergers and acquisitions are preferred collaboration network model.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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