


The Relationship between Participants' Motivation and Innovation behavior in the Online Innovation Platform of the Socially Developed Products:A Balanced Psychological Contract as a Moderating Variable


羅志成(Chih-Cheng Lo);林蘭惠(Lan-Hui Lin)


社會交換理論 ; 社群協作產品 ; 參與者動機 ; 心理契約 ; 創新行為 ; Social Exchange Theory ; Socially Developed Products ; Psychological Contract ; Participants' motivation ; Innovation Behavior




19卷4期(2014 / 12 / 01)


55 - 86




社群協作產品(Socially Developed Products, SDP)主要是透過網絡平台共享的機制,將社群成員生活的創意商品化的商業模式,其產品開發的過程高度依賴社群網絡的互動,這也是傳統專利商品化平台所不具備的機制。然而,環顧先前文獻,目前對於個人參與社群協作產品創新的行為並沒有太多的著墨,亦缺乏實證的支持。因此,本研究試以社會交換理論(Social Exchange Theory, SET)所陳述之互惠、聲譽、自我成長,及娛樂等四個構面探討參與者動機,瞭解其與創新行為之間的關聯性,並進一步考量平衡型心理契約(Balanced PsychologicalContract, BPC)的干擾效果,探討滿足參與者內在動機的可能需求,及參與者需求動機如何進一步形塑社群協作平台的創新行為,裨益未來建構社群協作產品網絡平台之參考。本研究針對經濟部智慧財產局國家發明創作獎得獎者及專利商品化平台創新發明人為問卷對象。研究結果顯示,「互惠價值」之參與者動機與滿足參與者需求之平衡型心理契約對創新行為有顯著正向影響,即平衡型心理契約與互惠價值的交互作用會進一步正向干擾創新行為。因此,本研究建議參與者在創意商品化的過程中,若能與社群成員的互惠關係越良好,越能激發參與者參與創新的動力,積極展現創新行為,實現創意商品化。


The so-called Socially Developed Products (SDP) is the process of a business model in which online community participants commercialize their creative products by using online innovation platform. However, through comprehensive literature review there has been lack of sufficient empirical studies. With the full commercialization process of online innovation platform, we develop our theoretical framework from the diversity among participants' motivation on the product platform from a social exchange theory (SET) perspective. Then, we justify the difference among participants' motivation, the moderating role of psychological contract, and the innovation behaviors of participants on the online innovation platform. The contribution of this research is beneficial for the establishment of innovation platform for the SDP. We employed a survey on the participants of online commercialization platforms established by Taiwanese intellectual property office. The empirical results show that the participants' motivation "reciprocity value" and a balanced psychological contract (BPC) have a significantly positive impact on participants' innovation behavior. That is, the interaction of "reciprocal value" and "balanced psychological contract" will be positively moderated the relationship between participants' innovation and the innovation behavior. Therefore, while participants commercializing idea online, the greater reciprocal exchange among users in the process of SDP, the more beneficial it is to the realization of their innovation.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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