


Exploring Important Trust Factors for Social Networking Services Adopters: An Example of Facebook


張樹之(Ernest Shu-Chih Chang);沈威政(Wei-Cheng Shen)


整合型科技接受模式 ; 隱私疑慮 ; 信任 ; Facebook 採用者 ; SmartPLS ; Unified Theory of Acceptance & Use of Technology (UTAUT) ; Privacy Concern ; Trust ; Facebook Adopters ; SmartPLS




20卷2期(2015 / 06 / 01)


71 - 98




網際網路的發展趨勢已經從傳統的電子商務,轉變為Web2.0 技術為基礎的互動式模式。創新的社交網路服務(Social Networking Services, SNSs)提供人們娛樂、人際關係拓展、以及商業的應用。然而,人們知覺隱私疑慮卻影響SNSs採用者的信任。本研究利用三個階段研究步驟,來瞭解使用者對於SNSs 的信任因素:1.利用整合型科技接受模式(UTAUT)、隱私疑慮、知覺風險、以及信任等構面進行文獻的彙整;2.邀請Facebook 社交採用者和校園學者,進行半開放式的質化研究的訪談;3.針對努力期望、群體影響、隱私疑慮、知覺風險、以及信任等構面進行社群採用者問卷的填寫和分析。依據本研究的發現,我們認為採用者對於社群網路服務的信任因素,主要是分別受到努力期望、群體影響、以及隱私疑慮等因素的正向和負向的影響,其影響程度又受到使用者的年紀、性別、經驗、自願使用等變數的限制。同時,本研究建議服務提供者應持續發展容易使用的社交工具和避免負向的社群影響因素,都是持續強化採用者信任的方法。最後,我們也針對採用者、社群採用者、以及社群服務提供者提供具體的管理意涵。


The trend of internet has evolved from the traditional E-Commerce to the Web 2.0 paradigm emphasizing interaction and collaboration. The innovative social networking services (SNSs) provide people with entertainment, social relations, and commerce applications. However, the perceived privacy concerns may influence adopters’ trust on using SNSs. To better understand factors affecting users’ trust on SNSs, this research was conducted in three phases. Firstly, a research model was built through literature review to integrate the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) with three important constructs: privacy concerns, perceived risk, and trust. Secondly, subject domain experts of SNSs (specifically, Facebook) from both practitioners and academia were invited to participate qualitative research based interviews. Thirdly, a quantitative empirical study was designed and conducted to study the relationships between important constructs including effort expectancy, social influence, privacy concern, perceived risk, and trust. Our research findings showed that users’ trust on SNSs is mainly influenced by effort expectancy, social influence, and privacy concern. Furthermore, the degree of such influence would be affected by various moderators including age, gender, experience, and voluntariness. Meanwhile, it is suggested by this research that service providers should develop social tools which are easy to use and mitigate the negative factors of social influence, for continuously enhancing adopters’ trust on SNSs. Finally, management implications are also provided to both SNSs adopters and SNSs providers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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