


A Study of Technology Acceptance Model Using Meta-Analysis


樓永堅(Yung-Chien Lou);曾威智(Wei-Chih Tseng)


科技接受模式 ; 知覺有用性 ; 知覺易用性 ; 後設分析 ; TAM ; Perceived Usefulness ; Perceived Easy of Use ; Meta Analysis




21卷2期(2016 / 06 / 01)


1 - 28






The technology acceptance model (TAM) is one of the most widely used test models of technology acceptance. Many TAM studies are characterized by different question, area and methodology, resulting in conflicting and somewhat confusing findings which vary considerably in terms of statistical significance, direction and magnitude. Faced with the development of TAM, domestic and foreign scholars have begun to discuss a meta-analysis of the TAM. However, those studies have no further analysis on Taiwanese users. This paper conducted a meta analysis based on 36 selected empirical articles which focus on the data from Taiwanese users between 2002 and 2013 (including 36 studies, 40 research data set, 6 integrated constructs and 12 relations between constructs). Furthermore, we also conducted a moderator analysis for the effort of different source of article, types of questionnaires, respondents, freedom of acceptance and sample size. The result suggests that 5 relations are more stable in our research, and the moderator indeed affects effect size of some relations in TAM.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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