


Exploring the Business Models of Makerspace Providers from the of the Perspective of Core Strategy


賴明弘(Ming-Hong Lai);高姿宜(Tzu-Yi Kao)


自造者空間 ; 核心策略 ; 商業模式 ; Makerspace ; Core Strategy ; Business Model




22卷3期(2017 / 09 / 01)


1 - 29




本研究結合Hamel(2000)與Chesbrough(2011)所主張的核心策略及Osterwalder and Pigneur (2010)所提出的商業模式作為理論架構,探討創造導向核心策略、創新導向核心策略、創業導向核心策略主導下之自造者空間商業模式有何異同。選擇之個案包含TechShop、未來產房與柴火創客空間等三個自造者空間業者的核心策略與商業模式。研究方法採個案研究法,並利用跨個案聚類分析法進行資料分析。由研究結果推論:這三個個案的核心策略各自主導其商業模式中的價值主張與關鍵活動,再透過價值主張影響商業模式右邊的目標客層的選擇、通路的建立、與顧客關係的維持,並透過關鍵活動影響商業模式左邊的關鍵資源與關鍵合作夥伴,最後才影響下方的收益流與成本結構。同為自造者空間服務業者,在核心策略的主導下,三個個案皆展現出類似但各有其差異化走向的商業模式。


This study analyses business models (proposed by Osterwalder & Pigneur in 2010) of creation-oriented, innovation-oriented, and venture-oriented Makerspace providers from the perspective of core strategy proposed by Hamel in 2000 and Chesbrough in 2011. The core strategies and business models of TechShop, FutureWard, and Chaihuo makerspace are chosen as our cases. Case study method is used as the research method, and cross tabulation analysis technique is used for data analysis. Inferred from the research results, the core strategies of these three cases guide their corresponding value propositions and key activities. Value propositions then influence other key elements on the right-hand side of business model, such as target markets, distribution channels and customer relationship. Key activities then influence other key elements on the left-hand side of business model, such as key resources and key partners. Revenue streams and cost structure are the last two elements to be influenced. As makerspace providers, the three cases show similar but differentiated business models under the guidance of their core strategies.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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