


Heroes from Youngsters: Social Capital, Cognitive Bias and Entrepreneurship Career Choice


廖俊杰(Chun-Chieh Liao);鄭伶如(Lin-Ju Cheng)


捆綁型社會資本 ; 橋接型社會資本 ; 樂觀主義 ; 過度自信 ; 創業生涯選擇 ; Bonding Social Capital ; Bridging Social Capital ; Optimism ; Overconfidence ; Entrepreneurial Career Choice




22卷3期(2017 / 09 / 01)


31 - 67




思考創業家「擁有什麼」(社會資本創業精神模型)及創業家「怎麼想、怎麼看」創業這件事(認知偏誤的創業研究),是創業研究中兩個重要的方向,本研究嘗試將之整合在同一分析架構,以De Carolis and Saparito(2006)的理論模型為基礎,結合社會學及心理學角度,實證探討這兩個構念對青年學生「創業生涯選擇」(Entrepreneurial Career Choice)的影響。關於認知偏誤變數,也彌補研究缺口,納入兩項密切相關、卻容易混淆的變數:樂觀主義及過度自信,思考兩者各自不同的定義及作用機制。至於社會資本則選擇兩種類型:源自個人的強連結(捆綁型社會資本),及源自個人的弱連結(橋接型社會資本)進行探討。本研究採用問卷調查法,樣本來自某大學五門創業課程的學生,共發放450份紙本及網路問卷,扣除未回收、作答不完整之無效問卷,有效問卷共計426份,運用結構方程模型進行分析。實證結果顯示:1.兩種類型社會資本對創業生涯選擇沒有直接效果、2.樂觀主義與過度自信均可增進創業生涯選擇,但樂觀主義又會正向影響過度自信,樂觀主義才是最根本的心理特質、3.社會資本需透過認知偏誤(樂觀主義和過度自信)兩個中介變數,才能影響創業生涯選擇。


This study combined the social capital entrepreneurship model (investigating the resources that student entrepreneurs already have) with entrepreneurial bias research (investigating what constitutes an entrepreneurial mindset) to formulate a conceptual framework. Following the model developed by (De Carolis & Saparito, 2006), we discussed the relationship among social capital, cognitive bias, and entrepreneurial career choice. The measures of social capital were divided into two types, "bridging" and "bonding." Regarding cognitive biases, optimism and overconfidence were thoroughly documented in the entrepreneurship literature and were linked to other biases. Data for the research were collected from 450 respondents who enrolled in five entrepreneurship courses at a Taiwanese university. 426 useful questionnaires were obtained, an effective response rate was 94.7 percent. Data are analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM) to test the hypothesis. The empirical results indicated that 1) social capital had no direct impact on entrepreneurial career choice; 2) both optimism and overconfidence could facilitate entrepreneurial activities, with optimism being the most basic psychological component and having a positive impact on overconfidence; and 3) social capital could influence entrepreneurial career choice and was mediated by optimism and overconfidence.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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