


To explore the relationship among Patent Expected Value, Patent Application Motivation and Patent Portfolio: Based on the Expectancy Theory


薛招治(Chao-Chih Hsueh);鄭意婷(Yi-Ting Jheng)


專利期望價值 ; 專利申請動機 ; 專利組合布局 ; Patent Expected Value ; Patenting Motives ; Patent Portfolio




22卷4期(2017 / 12 / 01)


29 - 55




本研究以期望理論的概念,探討專利期望價值、專利申請動機與專利組合布局之間的關係。本研究以2010 至2014 年「業界開發產業技術計畫」結案之766 家企業作為研究對象發放問卷,有效問卷為122 份問卷為本研究之樣本。以PLS 偏最小平方法為研究方法進行假說驗證。研究結果發現,首先企業期望獲得專利價值不同,專利申請動機不同,無論企業期望透過申請專利獲得專利訴訟價值或商業化價值,則企業專利申請保護動機愈強烈,企業利用專利保護發明為專利申請最基本的動機。而企業期望專利產生訴訟價值時,專利申請動機為保護動機,而未產生專利策略動機,說明台灣企業認為專利訴訟的思維與運作停留在法律層次,沒有利用專利訴訟去達到與被訴企業和解,進而達到技術授權、吸引合作等功能。相對地,企業期望專利商業化價值越高,則企業專利申請策略動機愈強烈,企業利用專利作為授權談判、吸引投資或利用於商業經營的手段。當企業專利申請策略動機越強則企業專利組合國內外規模越大,企業布局較大專利組合規模,其背後動機是希望透過專利申請提升企業議價能力而非建構專利地雷網保護發明。最後,本研究提出相關的理論與實務意涵,以供企業未來進行專利組合布局依據。


The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship among the expected patents value, patenting motives and patent portfolio characteristics based on expectancy theory. The study sample is 122 the government R&D sponsored projects supported by Industrial Technology Development Program responded from 766 questionnaires. We used the PLS partial least squares method to test the hypothesis. Firstly, the results showed that whether films expected that patent can create litigation value or commercial value, films applied patent to protect innovation. However, when the firms expected more litigation patent value, they have patent protection motivation not patent strategy motivation. The phenomenon means that firms in Taiwan patent is a law issue not a business mean that firms can use litigation to let competitors to license patented technology or attract cooperation opportunity. Besides, when the firms expected patent commercial value, they would have patent strategy motivation and use patent to improve a company's own position in negotiations with partners, licensees and the financial sector. When firms tend to have patent strategy motivation, they filed more patents and file then same technology in different countries. The firm had the larger patent portfolio in order to enhance corporate bargaining power rather than construct fencing patent portfolio to protect invention. Finally, we present the theoretical and practical implications about the suggestions of firm patent portfolio in the future.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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