


Motivating project teams to innovate: The interplay between rewards and team learning orientation


黃彥智(Yen-Chih Huang);李振宇(Cheng-Yu Lee)


新產品開發 ; 過程基礎獎酬 ; 結果基礎獎酬 ; 應用性學習 ; 探索性學習 ; New Product Development ; Process-based Rewards ; Outcome-based Rewards ; Exploration ; Exploitation




22卷4期(2017 / 12 / 01)


57 - 85






This research aims to investigate whether the relationship between team learning and innovation performance differs depending on team learning modes, i.e. exploratory or exploitative. We also postulate that both process-based and outcome-based reward mechanisms moderate the focal relationship. Analyzing the data from a survey of 153 new product development teams, we find that exploratory and exploitative learning exert positive influence on incremental innovation performance and radical innovation performance, respectively. In addition, the positive effect of exploratory learning on radical innovation performance is strengthened by both process-based and outcome-based rewards, whereas the effect of exploitative learning on incremental innovation performance is negatively moderated by outcome-based rewards. Unexpectedly, radical innovation performance is positively affected by the three-way interaction of exploratory learning, process-based rewards, and outcome-based rewards. We provide implications of these findings for managers and academics.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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