
新技術之多面向應用分析與探討:以QR Code為例


Multidimensional application analysis and discussion of a new technology: A case of QR Code


林佳陞(Chia-Sheng Lin);李爵安(Chueh-An Lee)


QR Code ; 實驗設計 ; 創新擴散理論 ; 產品屬性 ; 社會影響 ; QR Code ; experimentation ; innovation diffusion theory ; product attribute ; social influence




24卷4期(2019 / 12 / 01)


69 - 103




在現今行動裝置普及的環境中,QR Code是被廣泛使用的應用之一。然而,從現象中卻發現使用者使用QR Code的意願普遍並不高,通常僅在兩種情況下才會主動掃描QR Code,一是即時通訊軟體的交友,二是運用行動支付進行交易。其餘情境QR Code常如背景般的存在。儘管QR Code已產生多元應用與高度便利,但依然無法吸引民眾主動使用,其意願存在著落差,這也大幅度侷限了QR Code之實質效益。因此,本研究企圖深入了解台灣使用者對於QR Code的接受程度,利用實驗設計法探討在三種不同QR Code使用情境下:獲得優惠卷、參與活動、得到更多產品資訊,關鍵因素與使用QR Code之關聯性。研究結果發現絕大部分的情境在QR Code的使用上的確具有較高的相對優勢、便利性以及較低的複雜性,顯示具有良好的產品屬性,但大眾對於QR Code的使用意願並不易受到他人以及個人價值與創新性之影響,最後亦僅在得到更多產品資訊的情境下,使用意願才高於一般上網使用,這顯示QR Code需要適合的情境,使用者才會使用。因此,QR Code需要朝應用領域上進行發展,才能進一步提升實際採用之成效。


People recently rely on advanced mobile devices to do a lot of things with a variety of softwares. One important application in such an environment is QR Code. Although firms utilize QR Code to provide several services to people, most people still have less intention to scan QR Code with mobile devices. Two circumstances that people often scan QR Code are making frends with instant messaging software and mobile payment. In other applications, people are not engaged in scanning QR Code, reducing the usefulness of QR Code. This study aims to understand how to promote people’s intention to scan QR Code. Experimentation is utilized to examine people's intention to scan QR Code under three circumstances: getting coupon, joining activities, obtaining more product information. Research results show that scaning QR Code can provide relative advantage, convenience, and less complexity. Personal innovationiveness and social influence have insignificant effects on the intention to scan QR Code. People's intention to scan QR Code is relative higher under the circumstance of obtaining more product information. The results inform that a specific and appropriate circumstance is key to prompt people to scan QR Code. Research and practice implications are provided.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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