


From Laboratory to Market: Enabling Boundary Crossing in University-Industry R&D Collaboration


黃婉玲(Wan-Ling Huang);林殿琪(Tien-Chi Lin);陳毓蓉(Yu-Rung Chen)


科學技術基本法 ; 產學研發合作 ; 邊界跨越機制 ; 研發成果商業化 ; 產學研價值創造計畫 ; Science and Technology Basic Law ; university-industry R&D collaboration ; boundary-crossing mechanisms ; research commercialization ; Industrial Value Creation Program for Academia




25卷2期(2020 / 06 / 01)


91 - 126






Since the adoption of the Science and Technology Basic Law (STBL) in 1999, universities have attempted to bridge the gap between scientific research and industrial development; meanwhile, more and more university scientists engage in patent applications, patent licensing, and academic entrepreneurship. However, commercialization of academic research output depends not only technology development by academic scientists but also collaboration and feedback from partners in industry. The purpose of the Industrial Value Creation Program for Academia that was adopted in 2014 is to encourage university-industry research and development (R&D) collaborations during early-stage technology development to enable commercialization of cutting-edge technology. However, why did some R&D projects funded by the program achieve out-of-standard performances compared to others? What mechanism were adopted to overcome knowledge boundary between university and industry? By analyzing the funded projects, the present study aimed to understand in what way semantic and pragmatic boundary-crossing mechanisms determine the commercialization level of academic research. Our findings present not only the results of case evaluation for the implementation of STBL but also foundations of policy recommendations to promote effective industry-university collaborations.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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