


Applying Balanced Scorecard to Construct an Evaluation Model for the Digital Transformation of Taiwan Companies


李光斌(Kuang-Pin Li);彭志強(Chih-Chiang Peng);王仁聖(Jen-Sheng Wang);林冠仲(Kuan-Chung Lin)


數位轉型 ; 平衡計分卡 ; 務數位轉型 ; 顧客數位服務 ; 內部流程數位化 ; 數位學習與成長 ; Digital Transformation ; Balanced Scorecard ; Financial Digital Transformation ; Customer Digital Service ; Internal Process Digitization ; Digital Learning and Growth




25卷4期(2020 / 12 / 01)


1 - 35






In recent years, the global industries have begun to set off a wave of digital transformation. At present, the digital transformation of domestic companies is still in its infancy. Many companies lack the relevant knowledge and methods to manage and measure the performance of digital transformation goals. Therefore, this research takes the case company as example to illustrate the evaluation structure of the digital transformation balanced scorecard for building performance evaluation basis for digital transformation. Based on the perspective of digital transformation, this study modifies the balanced scorecard into four dimensions that financial digital transformation, customer digital service, internal process digitization, and digital learning and growth, in which there are corresponding 20 indicators, and applies the fuzzy Delphi technique to correct and focus. The results show: 1. The customer digital service dimension is a relatively important dimension of the digital transformation balanced scorecard. 2. Investment strategy is the relatively important indicator of the financial digital transformation dimension; 3. Customer satisfaction is the relatively important indicator of the customer digital service dimension; 4. The establishment of specialized departments for enterprise digitization is the relatively important indicator in the internal process digitization dimension; 5. There are no outstanding indicators in the digital learning and growth dimension. Based on the results of analysis and discussion, this research proposes a balanced scorecard for digital transformation as a reference and suggestion for enterprises planning and implementing digital transformation.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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