
Exploring Trust Transfer in Mobile Payment Adoption




張瑋倫(Wei-Lun Chang);羅嘉泳(Chia-Yung Lo)


mobile payment ; trust transfer model ; perceived trust ; perceived security ; 行動支付 ; 信任轉移模式 ; 認知信任 ; 認知安全




25卷4期(2020 / 12 / 01)


77 - 107




With the popularization of mobile devices in recent years, mobile payment has been widely developed for companies. Trust and assurance are considered crucial factors in mobile payment adoption because of the uncertainty toward the new technology. Thus, the understanding of the mobile payment adoption process is necessary for the service providers to formulate a strategy, which convinces potential users that mobile payment is trustworthy. This research analyzes the behavioral intention of trust with the trust transfer model proposed by Stewart (2003). We apply trust transfer model to mobile payment adoption, discover the causal relationships among trust transferring process, and explore the factors that influence the intention to adopt mobile payment. This research has found the one with strong number of ties and perceived similarity, participants will have firm trusting beliefs and comfortably incline to mobile payment adoption. Signals can directly affect trusting beliefs and intention to use. The study provides empirical evidence for organizations to draw up a mobile payment marketing strategy.



主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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