


Multi-criteria Assessment of Micro-Entrepreneurship in Catering Amid COVID-19


胡宜中(Yi-Chung Hu);林意雯(I-Wen Lin);曹淑茹(Shu-Ju Tsao);賴俊宏(Chun-Hun Lai)


新冠疫情 ; 餐飲業 ; 微型創業 ; 宅經濟 ; 決策實驗室法 ; 數位應用 ; COVID-19 Pandemic ; Catering Industry ; Micro-Entrepreneurship ; Stay-At-Home Economy ; DEMATEL ; Digital Applications




27卷1期(2022 / 06 / 01)


55 - 92






The operation of micro-enterprises improves social issues and employment opportunities. Since the beginning of 2020, the global outbreak of COVID-19, causing the number of unemployed to climb. A wave of micro-entrepreneurship is generated as many people seek to stabilize their income. Among many occupational categories, the catering industry is the most popular one. Under the epidemic situation, the home economy is heating up, and digital applications and food delivery platforms are booming. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the key factors affecting entrepreneurship and their interrelationships in order to gain a competitive advantage in entrepreneurship. Since the question discussed is an analysis topic of multiple attribute decision making, through the Delphi Method, this research invited the experts with the experience in the micro-entrepreneurship of the catering industry to help construct a research framework. In order to know the causal relationship between the factors, this study invited 118 micro-catering operators to complete the multi-criteria decision-making laboratory method questionnaire, and to make them understand the decision-making problem and then complete the questionnaire. It is shown that from the operators' point of view, the key factors affecting the micro-entrepreneurship in the catering industry under the COVID-19 pandemic include "product evaluation", "product pricing", "product purchase, sales and inventory", "market acceptance", "marketing activities", "network platform", and "risk assumption", etc. The cause and effect diagram shows that in order to effectively improve the performance of all key factors, "product evaluation" plays the role of the source, and "product evaluation" is also the first item that should be improved before the catering micro-entrepreneurship. Indicates that micro-entrepreneurs should first and foremost manage with this criterion in order to achieve product development capabilities. This research proposed the key factors improvement strategies based on the importance and performance value analysis of key criteria, and considered how to strengthen performance with digital tools in order to enhance the competitive advantage of the micropreneurs entering the catering industry.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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