


Applying Design Thinking to Design a "Design Thinking" Course in a Program of University Social Responsibility


宋世祥(Sung, Shih Hsiang)


設計思考 ; USR ; 兒童遊具 ; 社會設計 ; 社會創新 ; design thinking ; university social responsibility program (USR) ; social design ; social innovation




27卷3期(2022 / 12 / 01)


1 - 43




教育部大學社會責任計畫(USR計畫)鼓勵大學將其創新與實踐能量與在地社群共享,帶領同學們於社區中實踐所學,也藉此嘗試解決地方問題。然而,當USR課程要實際解決社會問題,即是讓學生們實際步入社會或是社區,面對超越課堂學習評量的實際挑戰。當USR計畫的執行以「課程」為主要單位,但該課程又別於傳統校園內的相關課程,大學老師該如何規劃相關課程,以求對於在地社區帶來實際的助益又能帶來給同學們的具體成長?知名設計公司IDEO與史丹佛大學d.school所推廣倡導的「設計思考」(Design Thinking)目前正成為社會設計與創新的重要方法論,其也成為筆者所任教單位的必修課。本文中,筆者以《設計思考》課程為例,探討如何從「設計思考」以人為本的關懷出發,規劃發展整體課程。如同「設計思考」方法論主張好設計需要滿足「需求性」(desirability)、「技術可行性」(feasibility)、「存續性」(viability),筆者從中獲得啟發近一步提問以下問題:如何在USR計畫的背景下,規劃並執行一門【設計思考】的課程?若是從「設計思考」出發,USR計畫的課程規劃與計畫執行有什麼新的視角與維度?在具體的執行過程中,從「設計思考」發展出的USR課程又會碰上什麼樣的挑戰?筆者以【設計思考】課程為例,分享課程規劃中如何與「還我特色公園行動聯盟.高雄」合作,回應高雄市鹽埕區的「罐頭公園」與缺乏適宜遊具的挑戰;課程中帶領同學們進行田野調查,捕捉兒童對於「玩」的真實需求,透過學習木工掌握「原型」自造迭代的能力,並且舉辦「街頭玩童~鹽埕兒童街區遊戲日」成果展來放大USR課程的成果效益。從中可以發現,「設計思考」對需求性、技術可行性、存續性可以作為一套USR課程在面對社會創新與教學成效時的指導原則與管理方法,帶領教師規劃、反思與改進自己的課程與其社會實踐成果。


The University Social Responsibility Program (USR Program) of the Ministry of Education encourages universities to share their innovative and practical energy with the local community, leading students to practice what they have learned in the community, and also try to solve local problems. However, when the USR curriculum is to actually address social issues, it means that students actually step into society or the community and face practical challenges that go beyond the assessment of classroom learning. When the implementation of the USR program takes "courses" as the main unit, but the courses are different from the related courses on traditional campuses, how should university teachers plan related courses in order to bring practical benefits to the local community and bring specific growth for students? The "Design Thinking" promoted and advocated by the well-known design company IDEO and d.school of Stanford University is now becoming an important methodology for social design and innovation, and it has also become a required course for the institution where the author teaches. In this article, the author takes the "Design Thinking" course as an example to discuss how to plan and develop the overall course from the human-centered care of "Design Thinking". Just as the "design thinking" methodology advocates that good design needs to meet "desirability", feasibility", and "viability", the author draws inspiration from it and asks the following questions: how to design and execute a [Design Thinking] course in the context of a USR Program? From the standpoint of "design thinking", what new perspectives and dimensions do the curriculum planning and program implementation of the USR program have? In the specific implementation process, what challenges will the USR course developed from "design thinking" encounter? Taking the author's [Design Thinking] course as an example, the author shared how to cooperate with the "Taiwan Parks and Playgrounds for Children by Children, Kaohsiung" in the course planning to respond to the challenges of the "Canning Park" in Yancheng District of Kaohsiung City and the lack of suitable recreational equipment; They conducted field investigations to capture children's real needs for "play", mastered the ability of "prototype" to make iterations by learning woodworking, and held the "Children Playing on Street" achievement exhibition to magnify the results of the USR course benefit. "Design Thinking", which attaches importance to desirability, feasibility and viability, can be applied as a set of guiding principles and management methods for USR courses in the face of social innovation and teaching effectiveness, leading teachers to plan, reflect and improve their own courses and social practice achievement.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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