This paper develops the maker incubation method based on the integration of CDIO and double diamond design model. The maker incubation is adopted for cross-discipline linkage and integration, which is used to cultivate talents who can solve complex problems. The maker incubation method divides the project-based learning procedure into four stages of Conceive, Design, Implement, and Operate (C-D-I-O), and introduces the double diamond model used by Stanford D School that allows the different stages to have their corresponding divergence and convergence. After several tests of the proposed method, this paper concludes with an improved model that includes the C conceive stage (first cycle), DI from design to implement stage (second cycle), and O operate stage (C-DI-O). The improved maker incubation method was adopted to the "Architecture Design (7)" course. The outcomes including full-scale tectonics project and the performance evaluation in 4 ability indicators, cross disciplinary integration, CDIO operation, PBL execution, and maker practice, demonstrated the effectiveness of our maker incubation method.
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