


Using Design-based Learning as the Pedagogy of New Product Management Course to Foster Undergraduate Students' Key Competencies


沈永祺(Yung-Chi Shen)


設計導向學習 ; 新產品管理 ; 關鍵能力 ; 高等教育 ; design-based learning ; new product management ; key competencies ; higher education




27卷3期(2022 / 12 / 01)


75 - 111




教育部自2013年提出21世紀的學生必須具備溝通協調能力(Communication)、團隊合作能力(Collaboration)、解決複雜問題能力(Complex Problem Solving)、獨立思辨能力(Critical Thinking)、創造力(Creativity)等5C關鍵能力,才能因應未來的科技發展與社會變遷。欲培養這五項關鍵能力,必須要導入有別於傳統講述教學的新教學方法。設計導向學習是一種強調以學習者為中心的教學方法,結合設計思考與設計實作,透過解決定義不清的問題培養學生的探究技巧和整合跨領域知識的能力。在學習過程中,學生必須建立團隊、彼此溝通協調,觀察、定義現實生活中的設計問題,實際動手發展產品或服務方案,並測試設計。此教學方法極為適合實施於含有產品或服務設計內涵的新產品管理課程,故本研究旨在以設計導向學習做為新產品管理課程的教學方法,以培養大學生的5C關鍵能力。課程在嘉義的一所大學教學現場開課,共計65位管理學院大學部學生參與。經單組前後測前實驗結果顯示,經一學期的新產品管理課程輔以設計導向學習,學生們的5C關鍵能力較上課前有顯著提升。


Since 2013, Taiwan's Ministry of Education has encouraged students to be equipped with 5C competencies, i.e. communication, collaboration, complex problem solving, critical thinking, and creativity, to engage the technological development and social change in the future. Thus, it is necessary to introduce a proper pedagogy to cultivate these 5 competencies. The design-based learning is a learner-centered pedagogy which emphasizes design thinking and design practices to foster students' capabilities of exploring and interdisciplinary integration through indistinct problems. During the learning process, students have to build up their teams, coordinate with each other, observe, define the design problems in the real life, develop products or service solutions, and test. Therefore, the design-based learning is suitable for the course of new product management which covers the content of product or service development. This study adopts the design-based learning as the pedagogy of the course of new product management to cultivate college students' 5C competencies. The course is implemented in a management school of a university in Chiayi with 65 undergraduates who come from departments of biobusiness management, business administration, and visual arts taking. The result of one-shot case study shows that these undergraduates' 5 competencies are significantly enhanced after one semester of design-based learning in the course of new product management.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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