


A Progressive Interdisciplinary Concept Integration Tool to Maintain Originality and Realizability of Innovation


楊朝陽(Chao Yang Yang);傅翊棋(Yi Chi Fu)


設計思考 ; 跨領域 ; 創新工具 ; 逐步式 ; 原創性 ; 實踐性 ; Design Thinking ; Interdisciplinary ; Innovation Tool ; Progressive ; Originality and Realizability




27卷3期(2022 / 12 / 01)


113 - 131




許多國內外政策以設計思考與跨領域合作為推動創新的主軸,而推行新型態合作行為必須建立兼顧不同領域目標與具備可操作細節之創新流程管理。本研究探究團隊創新現場情況與促進者需求後以逐步驟誘導團隊發散收斂思考與溝通合作方式,建立一概念分析整合工具(Concept Triangulation Map, CTM),並透過評估使用CTM之創新成效驗證其實質效益。本研究分為三個階段,首先,訪問六名不同專業教師過去領導團隊創新的經驗以探究目前跨領域促進者在實作中面臨的問題;其次,歸納創新初期促進者與團隊的需求建立CTM工具執行步驟細節;最後,帶入真實跨領域創新現場,透過八名專業教師以創意區分模型針對創新團隊成果施以原創性與實踐性表現評價,比較使用CTM指引及不同團隊組成的溝通行為與創新成果。結果顯示使用CTM除了保持團隊創新成果的創新性,也同時幫助提升創新的可實踐性,將來在企業創新實作應用中,CTM以步驟化誘導方式進行,對具體化構念及概念評估方面有正向影響,且對於不熟識的成員間或缺乏團隊創新經驗能增加溝通與參與機會,強化概念在企業有限資源下的可實施性。


Many domestic and foreign policies regard design thinking and interdisciplinary cooperation as the primary means of promoting innovation among future generations. To promote the new type of cooperative behavior, establishing an innovative model that encompasses the innovative goals of different fields and has operational details is essential. This study explored the innovating site and facilitators' needs; proposed progressive steps to promote students' divergent and convergent thinking, communication, and cooperation skills; established a Concept Triangulation Map (CTM) to verify the effectiveness of interdisciplinary divergent and convergent thinking in implementing projects; and proposed measures to promote the benefits of interdisciplinary interactions. The study was conducted in three stages. Six experienced visiting interdisciplinary teachers were consulted on experience of leadership to explore the complex problems that facilitators face in practice. Secondly, the needs of innovative facilitators and team members were summarized to establish tools for implementing a CTM and details of the curriculum's implementation. Finally, the communication behavior and innovation achievements of a diverse group of students were recorded at the interdisciplinary innovating site. The test group and control group-those that did not use a CTM-were observed under the same conditions. In the final phase of the study, eight professional teachers used the Finke creative differentiation model to evaluate students' originality and realizability as the basis for the comparison of the effectiveness of the CTM. The results demonstrated that the use of the CTM maintains the innovation originality and improved the realistic index of team innovative performance and was effective in stimulating communication, strengthening individual internal motivation, promoting concrete innovations, and enhancing evaluation skills. The proposed CTM was introduced progressively, which is a suitable method for teams with new members or with less innovative experience, enhancing members' internal motivation and participation.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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