


A study of Biased-corrected TFEE: Evidence from Food Industry


王淑美(Shu-Mei Wang);黃心璇(Hsin-Hsuan Huang)


總要素能源效率 ; 拔靴法 ; 資料包絡分析法 ; 食品加工業 ; Total Factor Energy Efficiency ; Bootstrap Method ; Data Envelopment Analysis ; Food Industry




28卷2期(2023 / 09 / 01)


221 - 241




近年來氣候變遷急遽加速,其主因為全球共同排放大量的溫室氣體而使氣溫上升不斷。由於能源不僅為經濟運作的關鍵生產要素,且在生產過程中會排放大量溫室氣體,因此在生產過程中評估並提升能源效率為緩解全球暖化問題及促進永續發展的關鍵之一。以資料包絡分析(data envelopment analysis, DEA)為框架的總要素能源效率(total factor energy efficiency, TFEE)被廣泛應用於衡量能源效率,然而DEA效率值在理論上存在高估的偏誤,故TFEE具有高估能源效率的潛在問題。本研究應用拔靴法估計同時考慮radial及non-radial slacks的誤差修正TFEE,評估臺灣26家上市櫃食品加工業的能源效率,結果顯示,國內食品加工業的能源效率低落,且分群分析也無顯著差異。企業須依照食品加工業特性在模型中加入用水量因子,另透過技術與流程來改善能源效率。企業無可避免地要投入成本於環境治理,而政府則應在頒布政策的同時,給予企業改善能源效率適時的協助或補助。


In recent years, climate change has been accelerating rapidly due to the global emission of a large amount of greenhouse gases, which has caused the temperature rising. Since energy is not only an indispensable key production factor for economic operation, but also exhaust a large amount of greenhouse gases in the production process, how to use energy effectively in the production process is one of the keys to alleviating global warming and promoting sustainable development, and proper measurement of energy efficiency is a necessary for promoting energy efficiency. Total factor energy efficiency (TFEE) based on data envelopment analysis (DEA) is widely used to measure energy efficiency; however, DEA efficiency is theoretically biased towards overestimation, that means TFEE has the potential problem of overestimating energy efficiency. This study used the bootstrap method to estimate the biased-corrected TFEE with radial slacks and non-radial slacks of 26 food industries in Taiwan. The study found that the overall energy efficiency of 26 domestic food industries is relatively low, and there is no significant difference in cluster analysis. According to the characteristics of the food industry, the water consumption factor should be considered in the model or companies must improve energy efficiency through technology and processes. Companies will inevitably invest in environmental governance, and the government should give timely assistance or subsidies to enterprises to improve energy efficiency while promulgating policies.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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