The EU was introducing net-zero carbon emission measures such as the "Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism" (CBAM) in 2022. Major global economies are also achieving the policy goal of carbon neutrality by the mid-21st century. In fact, the replenishment of hydrogen has become extremely simple due to the proliferation of hydrogen energy applications. Since the development of hydrogen energy is inseparable from the leading context of national energy policies: First, this study focuses on the construction of hydrogen energy development models in countries such as the EU, USA, Germany, UK, Japan, Korea, Mainland China, Australia, Chile, Saudi Arabia and Egypt through a case study approach. Second, not only clarifying the causal inference between carbon neutrality and hydrogen economy, but also examines the differences between the three models of hydrogen energy policy planning, namely the "Carbon Reduction and Hydrogen Combination Model", the "Hydrogen Expansion and Carbon Reduction Expansion Model", and the "Enhanced Hydrogen Export Model". Finally, let the national hydrogen energy development model be upgraded to the level of national strategic interaction (partners, co-opetition, competitors) under global geopolitics.
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