


Risk Management Analysis of Financial Innovation Service


邱安安(An-An Chiu);黃劭彥(Shaio-Yan Huang);劉福運(Fu-Yun Liu);鄭嫆琄(Jung-Chuan Cheng)


行動應用程式 ; 金融創新 ; APP ; 風險管控 ; Mobile App ; Financial Innovation ; Apps ; Risk Management




28卷3期(2023 / 12 / 01)


1 - 35






In recent years, the rapid changes in various technologies have led to breakthrough growth in the development of information in various industries. Mobile APPs have a strong impact on business digitalization and the changes in the business model. Various banking transactions can be completed in mobile APPs, but it also comes with risks. The purpose of this research is to discuss the risks faced by financial APPs which can assist the management team to construct a control mechanism to reduce related risks. The paper uses the Cyber Security Framework (CSF) released by NIST as the control element of the design structure and summarizes a list of financial APP risk items. Each risk item corresponds to the control and management mechanism under each aspect. Subsequently, the importance of risk items is ranked through expert questionnaires. This study shows that all experts consider "sensitive data protection" and "unencrypted transmission during transmission of sensitive data" to be the two most important risk items. This result shows the importance of confidential data protection. This research suggests that there are 51 relevant risks and threats faced by financial APPs. Banks can understand the potential and easy-to-occur risks when developing APP by obtaining the rank of the importance of risk items through the analysis results of the expert questionnaire. This enables the banks to properly plan the response process to risks when developing APPs, strengthen the information security mechanism and effectively reduce the occurrence of information security accidents. The results can serve as a reference for the implementation of the information security inspection mechanism and internal control.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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