


Accomplishing the last mile of the Taiwan Science and Technology Corridor: Applying DEMATEL-based ANP (DANP) approach to explore the policy tools of developing the Pingtung Science Park


王仁聖(Jen-Sheng Wang);潘怡君(Yi-Chun Pan);鄧鈺霖(Yu-lin Teng);魏大雅(Dah-Yee Wei)


屏東科學園區 ; Rothwell and Zegveld政策工具 ; 決策實驗室分析法(DEMATEL) ; 網絡分析法(ANP) ; 比較分析 ; PingTung Science Park ; Rothwell and Zegveld Policy Instruments ; Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory(DEMATEL) ; Analytic Network Process (ANP) ; Comparasion Analysis




28卷3期(2023 / 12 / 01)


37 - 69




屏東科學園區位於台灣科技廊帶的最南端,且與高雄、屏東周邊產業園區之在地產業相輔相成,預期形塑產業群聚效應。然而科學園區的成功發展取決於其向利益相關者提供政策工具所創造的價值主張,因此科學園區發展必須考慮哪些政策工具會導致產業環境發生變化,以及這些政策工具如何影響科學園區發展。據此,本文以Rothwell and Zegveld政策工具理論為研究架構,運用決策實驗室分析法(decision making trial and evaluation laboratory,DEMATEL)結合網絡分析法(analytic network process,ANP)成為DANP多準則分析,並藉由屏東科學園區四大主軸產業比較分析,探討屏東科學園區發展。DEMATEL分析結果首先顯示供給面政策工具與需求面政策工具的影響性相對重要。其次,DANP分析結果指出前六個最重要的政策工具分別為「公共服務」、「公營事業」、「教育與訓練」、「貿易管制」、「政府採購」及「海外機構」,最後本研究依據分析結果說明其意涵與相關建議。


PingTung Science Park is located at the southernmost tip of Taiwan's Science and Technology Corridor, and complements the local industries in Kaohsiung and Pingtung's surrounding industrial parks. It is expected to shape the industrial cluster effect. However, the successful development of a science park depends on the value proposition created by providing policy instruments to stakeholders, so the development of a science park must consider which policy instruments would lead to changes in the industrial environment, and how these policy instruments affect the development of a science park. Accordingly, this paper takes Rothwell and Zegveld policy instrument theory as the research framework and uses the decision making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) combined with the network analysis method (analytic network process, ANP) to become DANP multivariate analysis to explore the development of Pingtung Science Park per the comparasion analysis of the four main industries of the Pingtung Science Park. The DEMATEL analysis results first show that the influence of supply-side policy and demand-side policy instruments are relatively important. Secondly, the DANP analysis results indicate that the top six most important policy instruments are 'public services', 'public enterprises', 'education', 'commmercial', 'government procurement' and 'overseas agent'. Finally, according to the analysis results, this study explains management implications and related suggestions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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