


A Study of Slogans Advertises Express in Taiwan Military Dependent's Village




張瓊文(Chiung-Wen Chang);卓聖格(Sheng-Ko Cho)


眷村 ; 廣告 ; 標語 ; 標語廣告 ; village of military dependents ; advertisement ; slogans ; slogan ad




13期(2009 / 11 / 01)


213 - 229






Issues of military dependents are gradually paid attention to recently owe to the enhanced effects made by movies, TV shows, and news reports. Local governments actively hold related activities and erect buildings of cultures, expecting to preserve the unique cultures of the village of military dependents in Taiwan. One of the unique scenes in the village of military dependents is the apparent slogans on alley walls. The contents, historical backgrounds, and forms of expressions in the slogans are the spiritual indications of time. The pattern that the government promotes decrees and activities through slogans became the revolutionary slogan memory in the history of the development of Taiwan advertisement. Slogan ad in the advertisement history of Taiwan represents the individuality and significance of the time. Huge slogans one after another are the mental strategies that the government put on for the promotion of government decrees. And they remind the inhabitants constantly, so the government can achieve its purpose of mental revolution. The most frequent place for slogan ad is the village of military dependents. The military dependents are government officials, soldiers, and their families retreated from the Chinese Civil War. They are patriotic and united. The solidarity is stronger compared to others, and this creates the special scenes with slogan ad anywhere and everywhere. Hence, to understand the way to put slogan ad in the village of military dependents is the most basic and direct slogan ad. This research is based on the slogan ad in the village of military dependents, analyzing the slogan ad and the forms of expressions. Due to the simplicity of slogans, the audience leaves better impressions. The usage of slogans shows the social trend; it is closely relative to the time. And the contents as well as the forms of expressions in the slogan ad in the village of military dependents got itself a special place in the past of Taiwan. Through relative documents, analysis and conclusion of old village photos, readers get to know the background, production methods, uses of colors, and the forms of expressions, and they further understand the close relationship between slogan ad and society. Through knowing the past of slogan ad, readers get the very keypoint before designing slogans.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 傳播學
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