


A Research on Chinese Traditional Printing Arts Applied to Modern Design




馮毓婷(Yu-Ting Fong);李杉峯(San-Fong Lee)


中國傳統版印 ; 現代設計 ; 中國風格 ; 文化符碼 ; Traditional Chinese Printing ; Modern design ; China Style ; Culture code




13期(2009 / 11 / 01)


97 - 116






The evolution of modern design is based on the past history and culture. History and culture are the roots of the nation and a valuable asset. It is not difficult to find that there are many designers try to integrate ancient and modern way in today's modern design to wake up the ancient culture with new life. One of successful example is to integrate traditional Chinese printing arts with modern design. The objective of this research is to explore the phenomenon of Chinese traditional printing arts applied to modern design. At first, the researcher used literature review to collect related literature of Chinese traditional printing arts with historical approach and summed up its development history and form. Second, the researcher used method of content analysis to explore the phenomenon of applying modern design to Chinese traditional printing arts. The collected design samples will be categorized and to explore in-depth for the phenomenon of design thinking and its application constitutes a form of expression. The Researcher interpreted the design thinking and the link with cultural meaning to sum up the design thinking and value of contemporary designers. Through build the design thinking which has combination of ”tradition” and ”modern” to provide references for modern designers and related researchers.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 傳播學
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