In the beginning of the development of creative industries was artistic and cultural orientation in Taiwan. It was expected to bring fresh energy to the Taiwan's economy suffers from global economic downturn. But it is not working as expected. Recently, new technology brings up new and exciting innovations, particularly in the ecommerce world. It’s no longer limit on different approach of product, but also the structure of originations, business model are changed. In the conceptual age, people are not satisfied with existing linear and analytic thinking, would like to export more about right brain thinking and synthesis ability. The study intends to understand what benefit and new approach that the design-driven achieved and focus on democratization of design, design thinking, design-driven innovation, design and culture, creative management and design management. In addition, Taiwan’s SMEs is trying to restructure from OEM to OBM. With more understanding the power of design, it would help enterprises to integrate capability and creativity and to figure out a direction for industries.
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